
[发布日期:2022-03-07 点击数: ]
E-mail: fanjunfeng@bjfu.edu.cn

1. 生物活性肽、多糖的结构与健康
2. 果蔬风味的释放与强化技术
3. 生物抗菌剂与果蔬、肉制品保鲜

发表论文涉及食品科学领域多个TOP期刊,包括Carbohydrate Polymers, Food Hydrocolloids, Food Chemistry等。


2000.9? 2006.6:中国业大学,食品科学与工程专业,硕士博士研究生


1. 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目子项目:枸杞叶用1号标志性成分功效作用研究及产品开发. 2017.7.1—2020. 6. 30. 主持

2. 北京市农委2017年农业科技示范推广重大项目:枯草芽孢杆菌在葡萄保鲜中的应用与示范推广(no. 20170156),2017.1-2018.12. 主持.

3. 宁夏森淼股份有限公司:叶用枸杞的精深加工,2016.1-2017.12. 主持.

4. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目:白藜芦醇在Caco-2细胞中对糖尿病治疗分子靶标的抑制作用(), 2015.8-2016.7.主持.

5. 北京农学院项目:天然保鲜剂在叶类蔬菜保鲜中的作用,2015.6-2016.12.主持.

6. 宁夏林业研究所股份有限公司:叶用枸杞柠杞9号主要矿物质的吸收转运及多糖的免疫调节机制作用机制研究, 2014.7-2015.12. 主持

7. 中国农业科学院合作项目: 发酵豆粕中多肽检测, 2014.1-2014.12. 主持.

8. 国家自然科学基金项目:高粱陈醋甲醇提取物抗血小板聚集的分子机制(批准号31071524),2011.1.1-2013.12.31. 主持.

9. 国家自然科学基金资助子项目:杜仲木脂素类的分离纯化及抗血小板聚集生物活性研究(No:J1103516), 2012.1.1-2015.12.31. 主持.

10. 娱乐网站白菜网站大全新教师科研启动基金项目:陈醋类黑精的体内抗氧化作用及其分子机制(编号BLX2W8007),2009.1-2010.12. 主持.

11. 娱乐网站白菜网站大全援助灾后重建项目:杜仲调味饮品研制及其生产企业设备车间升级改造方案(编号2008-BL-LY-01),2009.1-2010.6. 主持.

12. 娱乐网站白菜网站大全科技创新计划项目:陈醋肽对自发性高血压大鼠血管紧张素转换酶2表达的影响(编号BLY200920),2009.11-2010.10.主持.

13. 日本农林水产省合作项目:云南米酒的采样及微生物研究,2008年. 主持.

14. 中国农业大学合作项目:杂粮醋的功能性研究,2007年,横向项目,主持.

15. 林业公益性行业科研专项:鄂尔多斯高原生态脆弱区环境方式转型技术支撑体系的研究与示范(编号200704025),2007.1-2011.12. 参加,排名第六.

16. 林业公益性行业科研专项:蓝莓定向高效培育及加工利用技术研究(编号200904014),2010.1-2013.12. 参加,排名第六.



1. Feiyang Li, Yaqiong Zhang, Xiaomin Tang, Peize Song, Lijing Su, Junfeng Fan* (通讯作者). Improving emulsifying properties of carboxylated microcrystalline cellulose by calcium bridging to hydrophobic peptides. Food Chemistry 2022, 384, 132422. (IF7.514, 1区TOP). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132422

2. Mengru Yu, Shenzhu Lin, Rui Ge, Chunyu Xiong, Linlin Xu, Mengting Zhao, Junfeng Fan* (通讯作者). Buckwheat self-assembling peptide-based hydrogel: preparation, characteristics and forming mechanism. Food hydrocolloids, 2022, 125, 107378. (IF9.147, 1区TOP) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.107378

3. Peize Song, Fa Zhou, Feiyang Li, Zhe Han, Lan Wang, Jiana Xu, Bo Zhang, Mengze Wang, Junfeng Fan* (通讯作者), Bolin Zhang. Superfine pulverisation pretreatment to enhance crystallinity of cellulose from Lycium barbarum L. leaves. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 253, 117202. 2021, Feb. 1. (IF9.381, 2区TOP). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117207

4. Nan Lin, Chu Wang, Jinglin Ding, Lijing Su, Linlin Xu, Bo Zhang, Yanyan Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Efficacy of nanoparticle encapsulation on suppressing oxidation and enhancing antifungal activity of cyclic lipopeptides produced by Bacillus subtilis. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 193, 111143. (IF4.389, 2区). 

5. Lijing Su, Fa Zhou, Mengru Yu, Rui Ge, Jiatai He, Bo Zhang, Yanyan Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Solid lipid nanoparticles enhance the resistance of oat-derived peptides that inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase IV in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 65, 1-8. (103773). DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2019.103773. (IF3.701)

6. Linlin Xu, Bo Zhang, Yuhan Qin, Feiyang Li, Shujuan Yang, Pengpeng Lu, Lan Wang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Preparation and characterization of antifungal coating films composed of sodium alginate and cyclolipopeptides produced by Bacillus subtilis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 143, 602-609. (IF5.162). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.12.051.

7. Mengze Wang, Jie Wang, Lili Fu, Majida Al-Wraikat, Shenzhu Lin, Pengpeng Lu, Lewen Shan, Junfeng Fan *(通讯作者), Bolin Zhang. Degradation of polysaccharides from Lycium barbarum L. leaves improves bioaccessibility and gastrointestinal transport of endogenous minerals. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 143, 76-84. (IF5.162). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.11.243.

8. Huitian Qiao, Bo Zhang, Xiangning Chen*(通讯作者), Lijing Su, Chang Jiao, Si Chen, Junfeng Fan* (通讯作者), Huijun Liu. Short peptides secreted by Bacillus subtilis inhibit the growth of mould on fresh-cut pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2020, 100, 936-944. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10021; 30-Aug-2019. (IF2.614)

9. Shenzhu Lin, Majida AL-Wraikat, Linru Niu, Fa Zhou, Yanyan Zhang, Mengze Wang, Jie Ren, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者), Bolin Zhang, Liying Wang. Degradation enhances the anticoagulant and antiplatelet activities of polysaccharides from Lycium barbarum L. leaves. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 133, 674-682. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.04.147. (IF4.78)

10. Bo Zhang, Yao Li, Yangyan Zhang, Huitian Qiao, Jiatai He, Quan Yuan, Xiangning Chen, Junfeng Fan * (通讯作者). High-cell-density culture enhances the antimicrobial and freshness effects of Bacillus subtilis S1702 on table grapes (Vitis vinifera cv. Kyoho). Food Chemistry 2019, 286: 541-549. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.02.050 (SCI, IF5.339).

11. Bo Zhang, Mengze Wang, Chu Wang, Tongtong Yu, Qiang Wu, Yao Li, Zhaolin Lv, Junfeng Fan* (通讯作者), Liying Wang, Bolin Zhang. Endogenous calcium attenuates the immunomodulatory activity of a polysaccharide from Lycium barbarum L. leaves by altering the global molecular conformation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 123, 182-188. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.11.067 (SCI, IF4.78)

12. Si Chen, Xiangning Chen, Junfeng Fan* (第二通讯作者), Huijun Liu, Jing Zhou, Xiguang Chang. iTRAQ proteomics reveals changes in the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. Grand Rapid) proteome related to colour and senescence under modified atmosphere packaging. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.9386. (SCI, IF2.47)

13. Zhenlong Guo, Huijun Liu, Xiangning Chen, Lingling Huang, Junfeng Fan, Jing Zhou, Xiguang Chang, Bin Du, Xiyuan Chang. Modified-atmosphere packaging maintains the quality of postharvest whole lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. Grand Rapid) by mediating the dynamic equilibrium of the electron transport chain and protecting mitochondrial structure and function. Postharvest Biology and Technology 147 (2019) 206?213 (SCI, IF3.11).

14. Feng Wang, Yanyan Zhang, Tongtong Yu, Jiatai He, Cui Jin, Jingnan Wang, Xiangning Cheng, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Oat globulin peptides regulate antidiabetic drug targets and glucose transporters in Caco-2 cells. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 42, 12-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2017.12.061. (SCI, IF3.47). March 2018.

15. Bo Zhang, Jingnan Wang, Shuqing Ning, Quan Yuan, Xiangning Chen, Yanyan Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Peptides derived from tryptic hydrolysate of Bacillus subtilis culture suppress fungal spoilage of table grapes. Food Chemistry 2018, 239: 520-528. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.06.153. (SCI, IF4. 529)

16. Lupei Ren, Junjie Li, Yunyan Xiao, Yanyan Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者), Bolin Zhang, Liying Wang, Xiaodong Shen. Polysaccharide from Lycium barbarum L. leaves enhances absorption of endogenous calcium, and elevates cecal calcium transport protein levels and serum cytokine levels in rats. Journal of Functional Foods, 2017, 33, 227-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.jff.2017.03.053. IF3.144

17. Chen, X., Ren, L., Li, M., Qian, J., Fan (通讯作者), J., Du, B., Effects of clove essential oil and eugenol on quality and browning control of fresh-cut lettuce, Food Chemistry, 2017, 214: 432-439. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.foodchem.2016.07.101(SCI, 影响因子IF4.529)

18. Luis M. Real Hernandez, Junfeng Fan, Michelle H. Johnson, Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia. Berry Phenolic Compounds Increase Expression of Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1α(HNF-1α) in Caco-2 and Normal Colon Cells Due to High Affinities with Transcription and Dimerization Domains of HNF-1α. PLoS ONE, 10(9): e0138768.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138768

19. Wanqi Zhu, Baoqing Zhu, Yao Li, Yanyan Zhang, Bolin Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Acidic electrolyzed water efficiently improves the flavor of persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Mopan) wine. Food Chemistry, 2016, 197, 141-149. DOI : 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.10.106. (SCI, 影响因子IF4.052)

20. Guoyong Yu, Feng Wang, Bolin Zhang, Junfeng Fan(通讯作者). In vitro inhibition of platelet aggregation by peptides derived from oat (Avena sativa L.), highland barley (HordeumvulgareLinn.var. nudum Hook. f.), and buckwheat (FagopyrumesculentumMoench) proteins. Food Chemistry, 2016,194, 577?586.(SCI, IF4.052)

21. Feng Wang, Guoyong Yu, Yanyan Zhang, Bolin Zhang, and Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitory peptides derived from oat (Avena sativa L.), buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum), and highland barley (Hordeumvulgaretrifurcatum(L.) Trofim) proteins. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2015, 63, 9543-9549. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b04016.(SCI, IF2.857)

22. Jing Li, Yanyan Zhang, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Acetic acid in aged vinegar affects molecular targets for thrombus disease management. Food & Function, 2015, 6, 2845?2853. DOI: 10.1039/C5FO00327J. (SCI, IF2.6860)

23. Yanyan Zhang, Hongxia Zhang, Feng Wang, Dandan Yang, Ke Ding, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者), The ethanol extract of EucommiaulmoidesOliv. Leaves inhibitsdisaccharidase and glucose transport in Caco-2 cells, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2015, 163, 99?105. (SCI, IF3.055)

24. Dan Zhou, Lin Li, Yanwen Wu, Junfeng Fan, Jie Ouyang. Salicylic acid inhibits enzymatic browning of fresh-cut Chinese chestnut (Castaneamollissima) by competitively inhibiting polyphenol oxidase. Food Chemistry,2015, 171, 19?25. (SCI, 影响因子IF3.391)

25. Jing Li, Guoyong Yu, Junfeng Fan (通讯作者). Alditols and monosaccharides from sorghum vinegar can attenuate platelet aggregation by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-1 and thromboxane-A2 synthase. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2014, 155, 285?292. (SCI,IF2.9979)

26. Junfeng Fan, Michelle H. Johnson, Mary Ann Lila,Gad Yousef, and Elvira Gonzalez deMejia. Berry and Cirtrus phenolic compounds inhibit dipeptidylpeptidese IV, implications in diabetes management. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/479505. (SCI, IF 2.1749)

27. Fan, Junfeng; Johnson, Michelle; de Mejia, Elvira Gonzalez. Citrus and berry flavonoids inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase-IV enzymatic activity by binding to the catalytic site. FASEB Journal, 2013, 27(S1), 637.8-637.8.  (IF5.704, Q2)  

28. Michelle H. Johnson, Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia, Junfeng Fan, Mary Ann Lila, and Gad G. Yousef. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins from blueberry?blackberry fermented beverages inhibit markers of inflammation in macrophages and carbohydrate-utilizing enzymes in vitro. Mol. Nutr. Food Res.2013, 57(7): 1182?1197. (SCI, IF4.909)

29. Fan JunFeng, Zhang YanYan, Zhou LinNa, Li ZaiGui, Zhang BoLin, Masayoshi Saito and Wang XiaoNan. Nutritional Composition and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Five Chinese Vinegars. JARQ2011, 45(4), 445-456.  


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